Sunday, March 11, 2012

Guy Time

Over the past handful of years, I've really not been a good friend.  Now, I'm not saying that I'm rude to friends of mine or talk behind their backs.  I just have really taken for granted so many of the close friendships that I had developed over the years.  I'm talking specifically to guy time.  That time that Carrie is always pushing me to go have.  Poker nights.   Strip clubs.  Smashing things.  Okay, so not exactly that kind of guy time exactly but rather just time with the guys.

Living with three women may have a little bit of an affect on me.   I haven't exactly arrived at the point where I'm craving Ryan Gosling movies or choosing between my pink shoes with sparkles or red shoes with rubbies but I'm sure that living with the three most important peope in my life has probably made me a hair less manly.

Full disclaimer here.  I am a man and I eat a handful of nails twice a week not because I have to but because I want to.  Makes me a man.  That said, the past few days I've been able to hang out with a few of the friends in my life that I hadn't exactly spend much time with over the past few years.  Reminded me how good of friends I've had and how important they are in my life.  Before you think that I'm a softy, please refer to my comment about eating nails.   These guys have always been such good friends and always been a support to me for many years.

It really was a call to a reminder that I need to try harder.  I have other guys that I work with and associate with that I realized that I really need to be a better friend to.  My specific coworker that has to share a cubicle with me in particular has to deal with my smelly presence on a daily basis.  It's amazing that after 4 years of having to be around me that we still get along so amazingly well and I consider him one of my closest friends.

I also feel so blessed to have two brothers that I get along with so well.  I really miss being able to give my brother Jason noogies in person.  He has been such an incredible source of support and example to me.  I can be a little mixed up at times and he knows just how to ask the right questions.   My younger but much wiser brother, Dave, has never given up on me and continually reaches out for guy time.  I hope that my years of being a recluse hasn't hurt things forever.    Dave has talked me into trying for a triathalon in September.  Am I nuts?  Most likely.   I couldn't hope for better brothers.

Sooooooo, what am I trying to say out of this?   That I'm a man, I eat nails, and I can a get a little girly sentimental at times and I understand if you judge me because of it.   Thanks to those guys in my life that still will spend time with me.  I am making a committment to be a better friend.

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