Sunday, April 29, 2012

Innocence of Kids

I am continually impressed and amazed by my two beautiful girls.  They say the most profound things that really teach me that I need to look at life and the world through a better set of eyes.  There are so many things that we are continually influenced with that make it so that as we get older the world tells us what to think of things.  Not so with my girls.  They think what they want to about the things that they want to think about.   Wish I could do more of that instead of being told what to think by the influences around me.

Yestereday we had a really great time with Paige and Mia as the four of us ventured on a 5k.   Yes, all four of us!  I was running with Mia and Carrie took off with Paige.  Sweet little Mia tried so very hard to run her little heart out.  I have an application on my phone to track our progress.  She full on ran for .75 miles!  Those little legs were just pounding the pavement.  She wanted so badly to keep running but her poor little legs were in so much pain that we ended up walking.  Overall, she ended up walking 2.63 miles.  I'm so proud of her!  Compared to me, that's like walking somewhere around a thousand miles with her little legs.   We had a really great time as we walked along for the hour and a half or so just talking about the world around us and what was going through her mind.

 She was very concerned that her big toe isn't called a foot thumb.  She felt that a foot thumb was a much better use of that description.  She's got me convinced.  Therer were also some old barns and other buildings that had falled down along the running trail from years of abuse from the sun and elements.  Mia asked me if I was around when the tornado came through that tore all the buildings down.  I told her that I didn't think that it was tornadoes but rather time thta had done it but she insisted that it was time.

Paige also did an incredible job on the run.  I'm not certain how the entire thing unfolded on their side, but Carrie said that Paige ran a very large portion of the run and did make the whole length either running or walking.  We're thinking about making it an event to do multiple times during the summer.  A good family event and support some causes.  Gets us out in the sun and exercising.   I might have to bring along the running stroller for Mia - though, she might be getting too big for that.

Tonight we had a family game of soccer.  Wheww, I'm out of shape!   Those little kids are the energizer bunnies.  Wish I could tap into that stuff and power a few small cities.  It was Carrie and Paige versus Mia and me.  Mia ended up being the record keeper so it was a lot more of just me against the other two.  The only way I could get a goal was by throwing Carrie over my shoulder and running that way while distracting Paige.  It opened the goal way up.

I love my family.  We have such an amazing life.  Two perfect daughters and a perfect wife.  I feel so blessed that I have been given as much as I have.  I just pray that I'll be worthy of them being in my life.

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