Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Old Posts

Quick Post - I'm bringing in the couple posts that I posted years ago just so I have a string of thoughts going.  I'm not smart enough to see if there is a way to link the others ones over.  

Monday, November 9, 2009

Building with Paige

I guess I'm about due for my once per decade posting.

I had a great weekend hanging with the girls and working in the garage. Paige and I had a lot of bonding in the garage. I've been working on putting up shelves and making the garage look a little more organized. Paige was nice enough to accompany me to Lowe's for some Daddy/Daugther shopping. I figured that it was time for her to have her own hammer and screwdriver. She picked out a great little hammer and a flatheard screw driver. I was trying to talk her into a Phillips, but she instead that the flatheard would be better for carving whales out of wood. (we recently went to Sea World).

I remember back to the good old days when I had my first hammer. I also remember what I use to do with that hammer. Some of the things I cannot list here because the statute of limitation is not up. One of my favorite things was to go out to the garden, get a bucket of rocks, wash the rocks, name the rocks, and then break the rocks. Where did this ritual take place? Right on the porch in the backyard. I believe that at times I use to chip off more of the concrete stairs then the actual rocks. Why smash rocks? Why not. Never tried? I really think that you should look into smashing rocks. They make such a great spark when struck and the slivers of rock in a person's face really feels great.

Back at the Garage . . . . . While I worked on doing some stuff in the garage, Paige proceeded to take nails and wood and make some amazing toys. She really has quite the imagination. We made a jump for her cars and even raced up the ramp. When all was done, she informed me that we'll be making a work bench for her so she can make toys and sell them to the kids in the neighborhood. Ahhh, that's my girl. Takes after her dear old dad. I can't wait to get the garage more organized so I can make a work bench right next to one for me so we can imagine and build together.

I wish to share how much I love and appreciate my wife. Carrie is such an amazing woman and always so considerate of the girls and their needs. She's always concerned for them and whether they are entertained. It could be so easy for her to just plop them in front of a TV for hours, let Paige play PBSKids on the computer, or let Mia watch XUXA over and over but she is constantly trying to find things for the girls to do. I know that it can be so tough for her to do the many things as a mother and then find the time to continue with her career as a professional photographer. (We won't even throw into the mix the fact that she's married to a small child).

Thank you, Carrie, for all that you do. Thank you for always thinking of the girls feelings, emotions, and needs and making sure that they will grow into amazing women that will be just like their mother. I love you.

Monday, April 13, 2009

What a Day at Work

I realize that I don't post very much at all. My better instincts tell me that the world should never know what really goes on it my head.

I can feel that it's going to be one of those days so I came up with a list of excuses that I should use to get out of work today:

-"I swear that I saw a hobo spider right there on my keyboard. I'm not going in my office until the exterminator gets here."
-"My doctor recently informed me that if I start using my brain before 11:00am I might do permanent damage. Oh, and I'll need to shut down right after lunch to not run the risk of the same thing."
-"What do you mean we're not allowed to watch WWF at work? I thought that we had an agreement."
-"It's poison ivy. I have to wear these mittens all week so I don't scratch. I won't be able to type all week with these mittens on. Don't worry, someone already offered to type for me while I dictate."
-"I'm sorry but I just can't stand any of you today. Please don't talk, look, or even email me."
-"I'll be calling in well today. You all make me sick."

Ahhh, it's going to be a fun week. Unfortunately, my job isn't the type of job where if I don't show up someone swoops in and does it for me. I'm not that lucky.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Paige and Daddy

Carrie had a photo shoot this morning (check out her blog at and Mia had gone down for a nap so Paige and I were looking for something to do. It amazes me each day how much Paige has grown up. She wanted to watch the family video of when she was a little baby. I couldn't believe all the things that she remembered about when she was growning up. It also pretty much brought a tear to my eye and a lump to my throat to see how much she has grown up and how little she once was.

I feel like I had missed out on a lot of things that happened when she was growing up. At the time I was working about 60 hours a week from the time she was born until about 8 months later. It was so great for me to watch the video and be reminded of all the fun that we had.

Paige's other new favorite game is tag/hide and seek. I think that I just burned off more calories in the last 2 hours than I generally do with my morning gym routine. (see previous blog or how I feel about working out these days). I'd tag her back and she'd chase me. If she couldn't catch me fast enough, she'd stop running and say something like, "Daddy, I remembered that I forgot to tell you something. Come here so I can tell you." As soon as I'd get within reach, I'd then be it. It did take a few moments for me to fight back the tears of remembering what it was like growning up and being "it" most of the time.

Ahh, I love my girls. All three of them. They are the most important things in my life and I thank Heavenly Father above each day for the blessing of them in my life. I love you, girls!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Getting Older

The last few months have really been a reality check for me in the changes that are happening to my body as I get older. No, I'm not referring to the uncomfortable things that a kid learns about sitting in their 5th grade class with their parent next to them as pictures are flashed on the screen about the male and female reproduction organs and they're told about all the fun and exciting things to look forward to in the years to come. Sorry, it was a little TMI for me at the time.

I remember back about 10 years ago when I could go to the gym for two weeks and suddenly be back into the best shape of my life with very minimal effort on my part. In fact, I think that a couple times I drove past a gym and actually felt myself losing body fat and my muscles bulge just a hair.

The current situation is just a hair different. I find myself having flashbacks of some ancient Medieval torture that I went through in an earlier life. Years ago I could hop on the ole tredymill or stationary bike and just go crazy for a good 45-60 minutes while reading a book, watching a movie, and doing my taxes. Now, after about minute 4, I'm sweating more liquid than I'd drank in the last month and find myself constantly looking down at the time counter on the eliptical machine cursing the makers of this machine of pain and all of their posterity.

Needless to say, I'm actually heavier than when I started a few months back and I'm not quite sure if any of my muscles are better off for the abuse.

I'd get started on the weight lifting but I find myself unable to type much since I just got back from the gym about 30 minutes ago. If you need me, I'll be the one asleep at my desk with the bottle of Advil in one hand.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My first

I feel a little bit like the person that bought a cassette tape in 1998 after watching everyone else buy them for the past 200 years after being so cautious that they were jumping on the bandwagon. I'm pretty sure that every person/living thing in the world has a blog including Paige's hermit crab, Chinny, and her fish, Carlo. (You should really check out their blogs. They have some pretty radical political views).

I'm really not quite sure what to write on my blog. If you ask those around me, I tend to have random thoughts and things that go flying through my mind. My favorite show in the world is Scrubs and I liken what goes on in my head to my good friend JD on Scrubs. He is constantly having little day dreams and "what-ifs" that fly through his mind. Carrie could verify this by telling you about the mental rockets that I shoot at cars on the road that upset me. It could possibly be from me playing just a wee too much Halo 3 till 2:00am.